API Reference

This list indicates all current keys extraction may return

  • "Name"
  • "Surname"
  • "BirthDate"
  • "Gender"
  • "PlaceOfBirth"
  • "Nationality"
  • "DocumentNumber"
  • "IssuedDate"
  • "ExpiryDate"
  • "CountryOfIssue"
  • "IssuingAuthority"
  • "AddressCountry"
  • "AddressZip"
  • "AddressCity"
  • "AddressCounty"
  • "AddressStreet"
  • "PersonalIdentificationNumber"
  • "GivenName"
  • "FamilyName"
  • "MothersGivenName"
  • "MothersFamilyName"
  • "SecondLastName"
  • "Address"
  • "PlaceOfIssue"
  • "FathersGivenName"
  • "FathersFamilyName"

Our systems supports more fields, these are filtered since those are used the most (or certain legal requirements for specific countries requests a specific field). We can easily expand this list with specific fields present on different documents on request.