Important extraction response field is the info code field that contains further information on what happend during extraction
Basic info codes are:
- 1000 - OK
- 1001 - Missing template
- 1002 - A more complex error occured check errors and warnings
There are additional info codes based on if the 'DontValidate' setting is turned on and those are the same as validation info codes with an added 1 in front:
- 10001 - Error occured, check errors list
- 11000 - Image is valid.
- 11001 - Image too blurry. Please focus your camera.
- 11002 - Cannot detect document, all four corners of the document should be visible.
- 11003 - Document not present.
- 11004 - Captured document is at an angle. Please correct the document angle.
- 11005 - Captured document is too small. Please move it closer to the camera.
- 11006 - Document not supported.
- 11007 - Image is valid, but the document has a back side that should be validated.
- 11008 - Background color is too similar to the color of the document.